Quarterly Minutes January 24, 2018

January 24th, meeting 7:03PM

Secretary minutes were read and approved

Treasure’s report:
September report:
Made made $197.68 in profit

Made $52.06

Quarterly report:
Mostly show budget items

Increase in funds for the quarter: $213.15

Need to set a date for the audit
Need three people
Typically a Sunday in February
Linda, Cassandra, Johanna volunteered to do audit
Date: 2/11/18
Flying Pie in Meridian @ 11AM

Trailer Bering Pack
They need it. Cost maybe about $100
Cassandra moved and Linda seconded to use funds to pay for the trailer.
Paul suggested to make sure to bring a receipt
Discussion for location of: Les Schwab? Will let Linda sort it out
Motion passed.

Donation to ACBA for awards:
Last year we bought a judge, have donated 100 dollars as well. An email was sent out on needing donations.
Awards for both ACBA specialty and ARBA convention
Typically send money: do what you want or give to a specific breed
Last year’s auction did not go well, so
For specialty there will be an auction (for club?)
Usually club that is hosting has awards worked in and should not be soliciting
Need a motion:
How much?
Kate moves that we donate $100 towards awards, and seconded for money to go to ACBA awards. Clarification on what awards this money is used for was discussed.
Kate amended motion to make it $150 and Dana seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dana will write the check

Club locator ad in the JACBA,
Linda moved to pay for ad in the JACBA $15, seconded and motion passed.

Meeting times:
Greg suggests:
Need a standard meeting time.
Would we like to do it the 4th Wednesday of each new quarter or another date?
If we decide to do something standard we will, but will do it date to date for now.

Website Update:
Minutes on website
Show fliers
Anyone who needs a login and password can have access in order to post stuff can.
Victoria will in order to post items

Payment for insurance is going up $40, the rate is going up. Charge so much per member and the per member part has gone up.
This is liability insurance for shows/members. This is more affordable than per event, this would be approximately $200+
Cat Show people did it through a non-profit
Insurance through great northwest will cover fair needs.
If Dana finds a better deal, then we may change but this will work for us right now.

Show Roles:



ARBA should have an article on what each role requires. This would include show catalogue. Can do it show to show, but maybe listing responsibilities might help. There is interest in drafting a standard set of roles, could change from show to show. Carrie and Janet will work on it together. Just a general description of each role.

Specialty Bid:
Do not have bids back from LaQuinta and Riverside. The Riverside would like to be host hotel and have all events there. They have experience with this such as dog show and dairy goat show.
Expo Idaho available
Monday no charge for clean up
Greg will continue to work with both hotels. Will wait on proposal to determine if we go with one or both hotels.
Small animal building: Hopefully will have locked and guarded so people can leave their animals.
Specialty coordinator needs bids by mid-March
When we see final costs, we can make a formal bid
What is the cost per animal? For Michigan and Texas?
Michigan: $800, double $6.50
Anyone else bidding in 2020?
Cleveland was the only one who showed interest
Texas got it over Cleveland, not sure if they will this next time or not
Double verify the volunteers who

March Mall Show:
We are set and ready to go.
Greg will do the catalogue

April Show:
Linda super?
What date?
Still have not heard anything from the rabbit club.
Discussing a possible change of location?
Rupert not our favorite, trying to find a different place?
Ask the Utah club members to see what they think
No April show

Possible show at WCC:
Show goes Saturday/Sunday
There has been quad shows with the California folks
Friday night show?
Are we interested in doing a cavy show at WCC?
Would need to come up with judges? Possible dual rabbit/cavy judge. Could ask (Michael Franke)
Linda: Superintendent
Carrie: Secretary
Dana as judge?
There needs to be investigation in order to find out how much the tables would be, etc.
Linda will contact people and find out the costs and details

Summer Show?
Last year, July 4th worked out for our judges
Looking at dates…
Dana will contact Diana Mortinson and check availability

Eastern Idaho Rabbit Breeders:
They asked if we want to do a show there.
Would need a judge and a cavy sanction
March Show (during Grants Pass) 3/24/18 (single show open ONLY)
Janet: Superintendent
Greg: Secretary
Janet will call on judges for this show
Awards: Chris Anderson and Janet
Greg will call Eastern Idaho about costs and what not
Will see how March goes before we decide on October

Likes Cavy Futurity like Golden State
Explained what happens: young animals judged and then judged later in the summer
Treated like a best of the best
Discuss March as the start and Zombie at the end
Janet will work out the details
How do we want them judged?
Two judges award top 4, decide from there
Entry fee: $2 at junior and $5 at senior
Janet will write the rules (modified from Nicole)
Kate will get ear tags (customized)

Shows coming up:

Meeting adjourned at 8:36PM

Next meeting: April 4th, 2018 @ 7:00PM