Pioneer Cavy Fanciers
Attendance: Cassandra Swanson, Linda Loucks, Dana Kolstad , Greg Harness, Victoria Kostenko, Zippy Kostenko
Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:13 PM
Minutes were read by Cassandra Swanson.
Minutes were approved and seconded.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasure’s report read by Dana
Third Quarter Report:
Balance on hand September 30th:
July Show:
Zombie Show:
September will be out next time
Old Business:
Apply to have Zombie at JUMP, but expensive for Zombie. Small room might work, but budget wise is quite a bit.
Specialty: City of Caldwell not contacted yet. Waiting for the WCC dates. No open dates in April or May. Dana: small animal building and a wing of the Expo building may be available. Cost for electricity. Also have issues with close hotels. Small animal building might not be big enough for everything. Maybe rent Western Town for Friday night judges conference and royalty. They charge per event. We are penciled in. Pay for Friday to set up/check in. We will let them know after the bid in April. Possible banquet at the Riverside.
Discussed prices at JUMP. Not possible.
Will need to contact La Quinta and Riverside for host hotel and banquet. April 17-19, 2020
La Quinta: 50? Possibly split with another hotel?
Size of banquet: 120, $30/25 or less; child discount
Volunteers to contact La Quinta: Greg Harness
Volunteers to contact Riverside: Greg Harness
Christmas Show: 12/9/17
Free, fee if selling cavies
Linda and Sara, judges
Karcher Mall Show: 3/10/17
Nancy: Royalty
Judges: Cyndi and Valarie
New Business:
Rupert show:
Have not gotten a date for Magic Valley Spring show (Rupert)
Ron Smelt, possible judge
May have to do it without them if we don’t hear back because we already pay for the building.
To keep Linda and Dana
Summer show:
It was great, get judges who would travel in heat or on vacation. Possible Karcher mall?
Discussed possible judges and those who are working on license.
Who is close to registrar test?
Ivy needs to take registrar’s test.
Carrie needs one more assist`
Discussion on change in standard to allow satin in the lines to be eligible for registration for pedigree.
Purpose to help bolster registered pedigrees.
Motion to adjourn by Linda Loucks, seconded by Cassandra.
Next meeting: January 24th, 2018
Meeting ends at 8:01PM