November 16, 2019 PCF Minutes



Meeting notes for the last meeting were read previously and approved. 


Treasures report was read

Some bills need to be paid

128.78 for copies, judges meals, Sept awards, supplies, board for the giant check, trailer hauling/gas

Harness: 2020 flier (50) 63.88

Posterboard 76.30? 

Need a written bill


Show reports were discussed:


394.54 was made

Rupert 9/14


Boise Show



New shows:

Do one in December? 

Rosalie proposed 1st weekend, Mary could not do it

Proposed the 14th of December, Dana will check to see if it could be held in mall

Had already spoke with her about the 7th, mall was available

Will ask if it will be the 7th or the 14th based on Valerie’s availability

Double Open, One youth



Valerie (Dana will ask her)

Super: Kate

Secretary: Greg

Awards are already done


February Show:

Rabbit club is holding a show on 2/22

Outlet mall

Discussion on royalty: whether to have it or not, fewer numbers

Chris proposed to have the rabbit club involved for royalty. Discussion around the involvement needed to pull off a combined cavy-rabbit royalty. 

Carrie proposed: 4H shows idea that do showmanship, with some quality

Carrie proposed no royalty, all in agreement.

Futurity will start at this show, Kevin will run it




Super: Dana 

Secretary: Kate

Awards: Chris


Zombie Show Update:

Requested that we not come back to the location

Need a different facility

Todd willing to judge if we have it

28th of August for Zombie

Please think of a new location for Zombie


Specialty Update:

Youth: information on the ACBA website for royalty

Judges: tried to get pictures, has three

Awards: expect a meeting soon, Johanna has ideas

Catalog:  what are the deadlines for ads (1st part of Feb deadline for catalog)

Need a form for ads

Fees have already been set for vendors


*Discussion about vendor discount if they offer an item then they get discount, there is an ongoing understanding that if a vendor donates $35 worth of product, it can be free

*Vendors needs to fill out a sales tax form, can also do an info booth

*4H vendors also allowed

*Photo booth with 12 months of the year, specialty calendar with their pigs and people can vote online. 

Fundraising: selling t-shirts, special names for special donors (Go check out Texas and see if they will share ideas about how they did fundraising). Find out more information with Janet, Johanna. Look at their website (Kathy and Sharon).


Promotion: Instagram and FB sites going. Johanna proposed ideas to have 4H members to walk new people through the event to talk about what is going on. Invite local dignitaries and the press to come. Maybe a separate area of for sale cavies. Victoria proposed fun promo videos. Greg proposed also doing a You Tube channel with Allen Messick style videos. Video of Jackie after the best in show. Video of winners would be a great idea. Chris proposed also other informative videos to post as well. 


Hospitality: Johanna proposed to have 4H kids in 4H shirts there when people are unloading to have them help. 


Rare Breeds Show: Dana proposed to have rare breeds show at Specialty. Otters/Cal Pattern/etc, anything that isn’t recognized. Needs to have a standard. 

One open rare breed (similar to Rupert)

Vendors: already discussed


Other Specialty: The meridian mill may be willing to do awards; Oz Castro maybe a cage vendor; Quality cages (does not do cavy any more). May need people to do pre-orders for cage orders to be fair. 


Do we need more specialty only meetings?


January 9th, Zoom meeting. 7PM

Carrie: does she need to order labels, has comment cards. Found the big box of labels. 

Dana has 500 comment cards


New Business:



Next membership meeting: 

February 11th, 7PM

At Cassandra’s building on Overland

Holiday party: continue the discussion online 19-23, weekend afternoon, maybe after the cavy show, rent a backroom of a pizza place. 

Good of the fancy:

Discussion about convention: booth, award presentation, Greg won raffle. 


Meeting Adjourned at 8:35