October 17, 2018
PCF minutes
Minutes moved to not be read, seconded and passed
Treasurers Report:
Amount increases by $546.64 for the quarter
Zombie show report: we made $82.89
Dana has expenses to pay:
Needs to be reimbursed for leaf trash can: $12.39
White boards: $4.18
Plates and bowls: $8.45
BIS: $2.65
Postage and copies for ballots: $17.51
Total: $45.18
Moved to pay Dana, seconded and passed
Reimburse Johanna for stickers:
Move we pay Johanna, seconded, and passed
Do a post-convention newsletter
*variety and breed
*goings on
*Dana and Linda input
Sticker sales/pre-sales
By-Laws committee
No report
Elections committee:
Pres: Greg
VP: Cassie
Sec: Victoria
Treasurer: Dana
Director: Carrie, Kate, Linda
Logo: Cassie has been working on the logo and will finish it up and send it to everyone.
Banquet: Cassie has contacted some places, but unsure if she has had success
Greg: no luck getting ahold of anyone at LaQuinta
Emily will not return phone call
Looking at it for host hotel
Riverside banquet and pet fee for each room, so it seemed too expensive, ergo LaQuinta
Dana has a poll for judge preferences for 2020 Specialty: it is on Facebook
Discussion on judges, can add others but trying to get judges out of the area
Will have a spot on the JACBA:
Will be around or after Texas, but will have space inside
Can be in Domestic Rabbit:
Will be in a column but no advertisement
Look into set amount for awards
She did find some
Dana has the plates
Holiday Show:
December 1
Have sanction
Stickers for holiday show? No, other awards are planned
Called the Christmas Cavy Show
March Mall Show:
March 9th
Nancy: will she do royalty? Needs to be asked, but she needs someone else to help. Thinking for maybe Kate or Carrie
Second judge: Cindy (first), Second: Tamara Whitten? Rosalie? Roy Colver? Michael?
Robert Spitzer? Tim McKrakken? Tracey Iverson?
Awards: Kate
Superintendent: Dana
Secretary: Carrie
West Coast Classic:
Single open
Need more than one judge, possibly three
Put on a Friday or Saturday show?
Preference on Friday
Need to contact Terri Gerroux
We will do it on Friday night (in April 5th)
Awards: Kate
Secretary: Carrie (put stuff in program, if someone will put labels on/etc)
Janet: Table sitter (money, check in)
Harness family: Cards and labels
Super: Kate
Rabbit Club Show:
First weekend of May rabbit club show
They do not have a charter yet
Do we want to do a show with them?
Use their judges (dual judges, may end be at the end of the day unless someone will
Judge before lunch and after)
May 4th
Moved to table discussion, seconded and passed
**Will talk more about this at the next winter meeting
Old Business:
Moved to accept the minutes, seconded and passed
Gave out certificates for free membership and only had one taker
New Business:
Discussion about the rabbit club that has spring/fall shows in Rupert
Spring date for Rupert?
We can rent that building anytime providing building availability
However, would like one with Rupert, could consider one in late April
Currently have a show in March, April, and May (possibly)
St Helens show: January 25/26
When do we want to meet again?
January 16th, 2019 7pm, here at Cassie’s building
Good of the fancy:
Lots of fun discussion
Meeting adjourned: at 8:07pm