Look for our July show, the Summer Sizzle Cavy Show on July 7th at the Karcher Mall in Nampa, Idaho. This ARBA and ACBA sanctioned show will be double open, double youth and our judges will be Diana Mortensen (Oregon) and Ron Smelt (California). Check in starts at 9 AM and judging at 10 AM. […]
New Website!August 4, 2015
Quarterly Meeting Minutes – August 4, 2015August 25, 2015
Quarterly Minutes October 25, 2017February 3, 2018
February Club Meeting Secretary Notes: 2/11/2020February 12, 2020
November 16, 2019 PCF MinutesFebruary 11, 2020
Do you Envision Idaho in 2020?January 19, 2020